
Friday, November 20, 2020

Blog Commenting

 I have been learning how to make a comment on a blog

A comment should have a positive caring thoughtful.

I like getting good comments. Do you?

Friday, September 18, 2020


In Poetry we read a poem by Margaret Mahey called Down the Back of the Chair

Then we had to change one part.

The chair the chair the pumpkin chair the chocolate chair the chain chair the donut chair the tv 
Chair the relaxing chair, the spicy chair the cool chair. 

do you like reading poetry 
and do you like make poetry 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

God's Creation

We have been learning about God's Creation and that it is holy because God made it. I can look after God's creation by: not pliting biy the water. no littering as it could go into the water and hurt the animals

not cutting down the trees. 


Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Stephanie's Ponytail - Week 4 - Reading


She tells her mother how to do her ponytail

She does not care what people think.
She is brave.

Stephanie is bossy 

She does not give up and changes her ponytail style

No kids at school have a ponytail so Stephanie was the first to wear one.
She is proud of her pony tails

She get revenge by playing a mean trick on her class.
She teaches the class a lesson

Stephanie calls the other kids copycats because they tease her about her ponytail - Stephanie gets frustrated

A sunny day at the beach - Week 4 Writing

Mrs Ferguson - Week 4 - Writing
Don’t forget to use adjectives when using your senses
What can you hear?
The Crashing waves
What can you see?
Blue Sky
What can you feel?
Soft sand 
What can you smell?
Ice cream
What can you taste?
Salty water

When you have written your story, highlight the adjectives you have used in yellow. 

Title: A sunny day at the beach  
On friday me and my family went to the beach. The first thing I did was to get changed into my dark purple togz. Then me and my sister played in the bright sun.  Then I made a sandcastle. It was tall and fancy.  After that me and my sister buried ourselves in the twinkling soft sand.  Then we got bright yellow ice creams, after we finished, we got out of our wet togz and we went home.       

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

My cat Harry - Reading

This is Harry my cat. He likes to sleep all day.
His bed is the beanbag in front of the tv beside the fire. 

Friday, April 17, 2020

Home Restaurant - PBL

On Saturday night it was Mum and Dads 11th wedding anniversary.
My bubble was there - Mum, Dad, my sister and me. 

Me and my sister made a pop up restaurant for dinner, because we were in lockdown.
We set the table with rose petals from the garden and some candles.
When they arrived we showed them to their table.
Then we took there order.
We served them a 3 course meal that ended with a ice cream sundae.
After we watched a movie.
It made me happy Mum and Dad were thankful.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Quiz Questions

Quiz Questions

Book - A Battle In The Deep Sea

1. What is one of the biggest animals in the world?

2. What do you think this whale might eat?

3. What does a squid use their tentacles for?

4. How do sperm whales talk to each other?

5. How do whales breathe?

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Scavenger Hunt 

Things that I found around inside my house

Ice Crean
Lol dolls
Quiz Book
Remote Control
UE Boom
Violet - One of my Teddys
World Globe
X - No Xylophones at home

Can you guess what my pictures are of?

Monday, April 6, 2020

Space Voyage

5 things that i would take to space

1. i would bring my teddy, because I wouldn't go to sleep without him.
2. i like socks because my feet get cold.
3. i like to read books because they keep me company.
4. i like to play with toys because they re fun to play with.
5. i would take some photos of my family so i dont forget them.

New Ice Cream Flavour

ice cream crusher shop have a new flavour it is called sunlight, it is the coolest ice cream so get yours now.
it is called sunlight because it is yellow & it is jam packed with jelly beans it tastes like apple strawberry and a wee bit of lemon.

A Day in The Life of an Animal

hi i am a rabbit and i have white fur .
my owner is fiona she treats me well.
fiona got me on Monday in the afternoon i  was a baby when she got me.
when i turned one fiona started teaching me to jump in to a hoop.
for the day fiona lets me outside so I go and find my friends.
me and my friends go to the woods and play in the mud .
then we eat lunch we eat carrots then i go home and i go to sleep.
my hut is two storied i have a ramp to get up to the second floor where my bed is. it is made out of pillows.

Monday, March 30, 2020


Hi it is harper i am in isolation because the corona virus, so me and  my sister  have got home  school.
My favourite  thing to do in isolation is making stuff with my lego and playing games with my family.
 I am also always hungry & am trying to eat all day.
i like to go out to for a bike ride with my sister and dad, also drawing a rugby team. the teams are called the  all blacks and Australia and Australia was the coolest.

Welcome Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.